BridgePal Scoring System
What Users Say
Quotes from BridgePal users (from emails, websites or BridgePal forum)
Hello Mirna and John
You may remember I emailed you a few months ago, saying we were in the process of applying for funding, with the intention of upgrading to tablets (from Bridgemates) and we intended to use your BridgePal software.
Well!!! We finaly got funding, purchased tablets, and we are up and running with BridgePal. We have used them in three sessions, and we are really pleased with the tablets and BridgePal.
The feed back from the players is extremely positive.
Thank you so much for allowing us to use your software.
Otaki Bridge Club, New Zealand (10th May 2024)
Dear Mirna
On behalf of Skipton Bridge Club I would like to thank you and John for
developing and freely distributing BridgePal. Your comprehensive notes, together with the forum, resulted in easy installation by Eric F
on our old lap-top and Amazon Fire tablets. The user-friendly interface quickly convinced both players and scorers that this was a quality product.
It is unusual, and uplifting, to meet an example of altruism which benefits Bridge players around the world. Eric speaks very highly of you!
With much appreciation
..., Skipton Bridge Club(20 March 2024)
Thanks to you both for developing and making the system freely available. It's so much nicer to use than Bridge...tes!
(Huntington BC, 14th March 2024)
This is the 2nd event we have used BridgePal. 9 tables with players from Lancashire, Cheshire, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Scotland and the Manchester area. None of them had used BridgePals before, although most had used BridgeMates.
They needed little or no training... the scoring was pretty much self-explanatory.
Several guests asked for details about BridgePal as their clubs are also having issues with Bridg...te degradation in varying degrees but the general consensus was that this is definitely the way to go.
(Bridge break in St Annes, March 2024)

From Gwen Beattie: "Very well received by all players!".
Bridge break in Hotel Inn on the Prom, St Annes. Gwen's Bridge Club. BridgeScore with BridgePals.
(UK, February 2024)
Thank you very much indeed for your help. Very kind.
To me Bridgepal(s) is right up there with "the obvious", I wanted to help guide our bridge club to making a sensible electronic scoring decision
(moving forward from manual scoring) and felt presenting a few alternatives plus supporting information albeit brief was the right thing to do.
I play on occasion at Cross in Hand BC where Bridgepals are used and so am conversant with the ease with which it is used and a general air of happiness about using it at every level.
Many thanks once more for guidance/interest.
(Prospective user, from EBU Forum, March 2023)
I live in Coonoor, a small hill station in Southern India. I started using BridgePal as our scoring device about 6 months ago, for our tournaments.
We usually have 6 to 7 tables and I use it as Bridgemates along with ACBLScore. I must compliment all of you at BridgePal for the flawless way it has worked so far.
A wonderful, easy and inexpensive alternate solution to using Bridgemates.
Thanks a ton team BridgePal (India, 31 January 2023)
This is to let you know that the Trilogy Duplicate Bridge Club, sponsored by the Trilogy community at Redmond Ridge, Redmond, Washington, USA has been using BridgePal for the last 3 months and plans to continue to use it indefinitely.
We find the system to be very user friendly and tolerant of our mistakes. We use Amazon Kindles as scoring devices at the table and a laptop for running BridgeScore.
This is a small bridge club sponsored by a housing community and not affiliated with the ACBL.
Thank you for your earlier help in getting started and for providing such a great system free of charge.
(USA, 19th October 2022)
A massive thank you for your wonderful software! It's brought our tiny club in the blue mountains of NSW (supposedly sunny Australia) out of the dark ages.
(Blackheath Bridge Club, postcode 2785, Australia, 19th September 2022, "Lovely bunch of people")
I used BridgePal for a Swiss Teams session for the first time yesterday and it was an absolute dream.
(UK, 19th May 2022)
Hi all
Just wanted to let you know how happy we are with your respective products and integration.(Bridgewebs,BridgePal,Compass)
I'm surprised more people don't use them in NZ.
Happy to recommend to any potential customers.
Great support when needed, which isn't often.
When I see the hassles with alternative systems I just wonder why?
(New Zealand, 3 Sep 2021)
"Dear John,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you.
I am very happy to tell you that the following Bridge Section of Clubs are using BridgePal to handle their tournaments.
Korean Bridge Club Hong Kong
Bridge Section of Club De Recreio
Bridge Section of Kowloon Cricket Club
Bridge players in Hong Kong are all using BridgePal happily for its clear and friendly design.
Thank you very much for your kind and generous contribution.
Best wishes,
Yours sincerely
Korean Bridge Club HK
(Hong Kong, 15 December 2020)
See this link - EBU Forum, post for 27th Dec 2019.
"It (BridgePal) worked straight out of the box and we have been using it for three weeks. Such a relief after a month of head banging with Bridge..b.
We are really grateful for your hard work and generosity."
(UK, 29 November 2019)
Dear John and Mirna,
This is just to inform you that a Swiss Pair Open event was conducted over the weekend at Trivandrum Kerala. Happy to inform you (due to a technical issue with Bridgemate)
that Mr. K S Swaminathan (the Director) was able to improvise on the spot and run the entire event in 2 sections successfully using Bridgepal (on players' Android phones) with
Jeff Smith scoring software. Results of the tournament are available on the
Tamilnadu Bride Association (TNBA) site.
Thanks again for Bridgepal and I am sure the user base in India will be increasing substantially after this.
With regards
(India, 25 November 2019)
"Captured the hands on iPads yesterday and generated the web page. Worked like a dream and accessed Bridge Solver as you said. Now we can see how badly we actually bid.:)
Thank you very much for the time and effort to create a fabulous scoring system. Really enjoy using it.
Thanks also for the support."
(South Africa, 1 November 2019)
"We have used ACBL scoring software with Bridgepal. We conducted 8 table session which went on smoothly.
Bridgepal is an amazing software and made our tournaments very easy." (India, 15 April 2019)
"We had a test-run with the BridgePal system and it was a great success.
Everybody who was present is very enthusiastic to have it introduced in the club." (7 Dec 2018)
"Thank you very much for this excellent system and your assistance." (7 Dec 2018)
"It is a fantastic system well done and thank you to you both."
"...a sweet piece of software. Appreciate all the hard work gone into creating the product and also allowing others to share your endeavours."
Greymouth Bridge Club, New Zealand
"We use Bridgescore/Bridgepal as the scoring progam, acknowledged as perhaps the easiest and most innovative program available."
"The software has been a huge success at the club and even our most technophobic members have adjusted and can now happily enter the details on the phones.
Our sincerest gratitude to Mirna and John for creating it and putting it out for free."
"Our club has looked at the scoring issue for at least the past four years, and always deferred it... I believe BridgePal offers a radically new price point, and rather more functionality than ..."
"I have taken the risk upon myself to buy the tablets, and throw in an old laptop and a BT home wifi router... Sometimes one has to be a pioneer."
"After Bridge on Friday a few of us went for a drink and during the course of the evening there was an outpouring of love for BridgePal"
"...the simplicity and elegant nature of the software - as Watson & Crick said when they built their DNA model 'We just looked to stare at it and say - It's so beautiful!'..."
"I think that the Desktop is excellent - it has everything required instantly available and there is nothing peripheral there.!"
"The Movement Editor is the Star feature. It means that I can set up custom movements for all the sessions that we are likely to have and thus the starting of a movement could not be easier and the likelihood of
errors virtually disappears."
"The procedure for restarting a session is infinitely easier than with ..."
"The lack of any requirement for manually resetting tablets is excellent."