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General Discussion / Re: choosing one or two winners when setting up the movement
« Last post by MaryM on October 22, 2024, 11:27:00 »
I see! Very helpful.
Hi Mary.

Most movements in the dropdown are 1 winner movements.
This is because they are mainly Howells or Hesitation Mitchells.
There are some 2 winner movements e.g. 8 Table Double Weave Mitchell or web Mitchell's.

2 winners are normally when you define your own movement. just enter what you want e.g. 6 table Mitchell 4 boards per round etc. will be for 2 winners

Hope this helps.
General Discussion / Re: choosing one or two winners when setting up the movement
« Last post by Mirna on October 20, 2024, 20:38:18 »
I imagine you are on the Define Movement screen which starts with a Mitchell movement. If you wish to use Mitchell, you can change the winners from two to one and fill in the other fields accordingly - number of tables, number of rounds, skip or share and relay etc
If however you decide not to use Mitchell but choose a different predefined movement from the dropdown list, this will change the settings appropriate to the movement chosen. The predefined movements have number of winners predefined and you cannot change this.
General Discussion / choosing one or two winners when setting up the movement
« Last post by MaryM on October 20, 2024, 20:13:55 »
I'm just starting with Bridgescore. All fairly clear but cannot understand why the Winners box starts off at 'two' but as soon as I choose a movement it defaults to 'one' and cannot be changed.
More annoying than critical!
Release Infomation / BridgePal Server Release 2.5.4
« Last post by johng on October 20, 2024, 18:13:17 »
There is a new release of BridgePal Server available. You can download and install v2.5.4 from the "Download PC Components" page of the BridgePal website (second button on the page).

The Player Functions menu of the BridgePal app already allows players to deal a hand record using the Bridge Dealer app, read in a hand record using the Bridge Dealer app, or manually enter a hand record. In the BridgePal Server 2.5.4 release the board selection buttons for boards which have been dealt, read, or manually entered are now shown with a green background on the board selection menu.
Release Infomation / BridgePal Server Release 2.5.3
« Last post by johng on September 23, 2024, 15:48:26 »
There is a new release of BridgePal Server available. You can download and install v2.5.3 from the "Download PC Components" page of the BridgePal website (second button on the page).

This release corrects a bug in the bidding module, which allowed recording an invalid bidding sequence, e.g. 1H 1S 1H
BridgePal Server Release 2.5.2 provides a method of recording the bidding of a hand and storing it in the wireless database (.bws file). If you are using BridgeScore 4.1.0, or a later version, then BridgeScore will include the bidding as LIN_DATA when creating an XML file. If this file is uploaded to Bridgewebs the travellers on the Bridgewebs results pages will show a "Play" button in the right hand column for any table where the bidding was recorded on that board. Clicking on the play button launches Bridge Solver Online which will display the bidding in the top right of the board display.

Other scoring programs do not have this capabilty built in. However, it is still possible to include bidding information in the XML file by using the following procedure:

1. Create an event using the scoring program and launch BridgePal wireless scoring.
2. On the BridgePal Server Settings screen enable "Record Bidding" and save settings.
3. On the BridgePal phone/tablet bidding may be optionally recorded for any board from the contract entry screen.
4. At the end of the session click on "Export Hand Records, with bidding, as Lin file" on the BridgePal Server Tools menu.
5. Generate an XML file for the event from the scoring program.
6. In BBOtoXML import the XML file and then use "Import Deal" to import the Lin file created above.
7. Click on "Save As CSV" then go back to main screen of BBOtoXML.
8. Create a new XML from the CSV created above.
9. The new XML file will contain a LIN_DATA field containing the bidding for any traveller line for which bidding was recorded.
10. Upload the XML and PBN files for the event to Bridgewebs.
Support / Re: Pairs' scores don't match overall scores
« Last post by Mirna on August 27, 2024, 22:16:58 »
Thank you Maxim. I got it. I just finished playing online bridge and it is past my bedtime. However I imported your event as I couldn't wait to see the result.... and it is correct see attached file.
Will have to look at it more tomorrow. I guess it might be something to do with regional settings...

Sorry about the names - you enter them perhaps as surname - first name - and my display option is first name only
Support / Re: Pairs' scores don't match overall scores
« Last post by GMM on August 27, 2024, 19:50:44 »
Sent you an email. Thank you!
Support / Re: Pairs' scores don't match overall scores
« Last post by Mirna on August 27, 2024, 13:00:36 »
Thank you Maxim. I am glad you enjoy BridgePals  :)

The result looks very odd. I tried to repeat the problem with a couple of my test events and the scorecard looks correct every time. I can only suggest you email me the event pse file and I can have a look.

To create the event file go to the List of events in BridgeScore, click / highlight the event in question and click on Export.

You can find my email address in BridgeScore front page Help - About.

Mirna :)
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