Bridge Solver Chrome Extension adds the ability to capture deals directly from hand diagrams on various bridge results websites, and launch the hands in Bridge Solver Online.
If you just want to use Bridge Solver Online (BSOL), and have a .PBN , .DLM , or bridge base online .LIN file, or wish to input a deal manually, you can access it by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, try it out on one of these sites that already utilise BSOL.
or, use the standalone version:
Bridge Solver Chrome extension can now acquire hands from World Bridge Federation results pages. 27th September 2024
Bridge Solver Chrome extension can now acquire hands from the frequency pages on LoveBridge. 6th June 2022
Bridge Solver Chrome Extension can now acquire hands from results pages on the RealBridge online system. 3rd January 2021
Bridge Solver Chrome Extension now has an option to open tabs in a new window rather than in the existing window. Thanks are due to John Lambe for designing and implementing this functionality. This is particularly useful when using the extension in conjunction with a logged in BBO session, as it allows the windows to be viewed side by side subject to sufficient screen real estate. See the release notes for further details. 25th April 2020
See this video by John Dillon of Vero Beach Bridge Center for a demonstration of using Bridge Solver Chrome Extension with Bridge Base Online. 23rd April 2020
For a useful guide to using Bridge Solver Online to review hands played on Bridge Base Online see this document by Rees Mitchell of Vanderbilt Bridge Club. Rees has also produced this guide illustrating the use of Bridge Solver Online to play hands in double dummy mode with card by card guidance.
Integration With Club Websites
It is a straightforward matter to integrate BSOL into a bridge club site. The user interface is browser based and can run on any desktop, tablet, or mobile device that supports a modern browser. It requires only the insertion of html links together with a number of parameters defining the hand(s) to be played, the dealer, vulnerability etc. For a list of the major websites using BSOL see here.
There are two versions of BSOL that can be integrated, both free to use:1. The new standalone version of Bridge Solver Online can easily be hosted on any web server, has no external dependencies, and imposes no load on the web host during use. It can be downloaded via the link at the top of this page. Note that certain functions, such as makeable contract calculation, may run slower on some older devices, but double dummy play will generally be faster due to the absence of network round trip delays.
2. The original version of Bridge Solver Online uses a double dummy solver library integrated into an executable CGI module hosted on a web server. This version of BSOL has been integrated into BridgeWebs, which hosts websites for more than 2000 bridge clubs worldwide.
Gwynne Hughes (author and owner of BridgeWebs) has generously agreed that non-BridgeWebs sites may access this version of BSOL on the BridgeWebs server free of charge, subject to approval. If you are potentially interested in integrating this version of Bridge Solver Online into your site(s), please contact me at the email address at the bottom of this page.
BridgeSolver Apps
Bridge Solver is also available as a free installable app for Android and Windows. As with the Bridge Solver Chrome extension, the installable versions have the ability to detect and load hands directly from hand diagrams on bridge results pages, for a variety of supported formats. However, Bridge Solver Online, together with the Bridge Solver Chrome extension, now surpasses the functionality of the installable apps, with the exception of the ability of the Windows version to read hand diagrams from PDF files. Due to the amount of effort required to support multiple versions it is unlikely that the functionality of the Android and Windows standalone versions will be extended in future. For a feature comparison of the various versions of Bridge Solver see here.
John Goacher